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Important Documents : The Best and Must 26 International Travel Checklist for Safekeeping

Traveling international has lot of formalities to be completed before and during the travel. Thus, it is common for us to forget few things. To avoid this forgetfulness or prevent yourself from messing up with important things to do we can make an international travel checklist.

This would help us in remembering the things that have to be done at the right time. The final cross checking with this checklist for international travel will provide us an ease of mind. All the doubts and things to be done and carried would be executed and nothing would have been missed out.

International travel checklists can be prepared by grouping the particulars under common heads so as to create an order in the things to do. If you have an order for every thing the impact of mishaps and contingencies can be reduced to minimum.

How to organise an international travel checklists?

International travel checklists can be mainly classified into 5 heads under each heads you can fill the as per your travel requirements. The checklist for international travel will have different particulars depending on the nature of your travel. If you are planning for a leisure trip the documents required would be different from the one that you must produce when you are on an official trip. Therefore, this difference in the nature of the trip will force you to make changes in your checklist as well.

5 important heads in an international travel checklist

The checklist for your international travel can be organized under 5 main heading. By categorizing the matters it would be easy to fulfil. In addition, the checking of its Status would also be an easy task.

This organization of items will make you organized in executing the checklist. And crossing each items as you complete will give you the clear picture what is to be done next. As a result, these checklist will help you in saving time and staying confident and relaxed about your international travel.

Official documents

Official documents in the checklist for international travel should all the important unavoidable document s necessary for your smooth travel.


Passport the most important document you have to carry along for every international journey, without passport you will not be allowed in any places in a foreign country.

The validity of passport is another information that needs consideration. Most international travels require a minimum of 6 months validity from the date of your travel.

Passport is the legal identification document that has universal acceptance. This is a must and most important document that should be enlisted in the checklist. The absence of passport will stop you from traveling.


Visa is the document that is necessary for traveling international. Not all international trips require visa. There its your responsibility to enquire about the requirement of the visa for you international journey.

If you require visa for your journey, submit your visa with other documents and obtain the visa for the international journey.


Tickets is another important document that is required for traveling. Ensure to keep your tickets along with passport so that it is not misplaced. While taking a ticket it is your duty to check the information on the ticket are true to the best of your knowledge.

 In case of any mistakes, you might face complications at the airport. The soft copy of the tickets are always safer than hardcopies. Therefore your checklist for international travel cannot exclude this document.

Vaccination certificate:

Covid 19 vaccine certificates are quint essential these days for traveling international. Your international travel checklist cannot ignore vaccine certificates.

The vaccine for Covid 19 pandemic has various variant’s out of which few are accepted by all nations. Ensure that the vaccine you have taken is accepted by the country you are traveling to and has the proof that you are vaccinated. In order To protect yourself from the deadly virus.

Medical certificate:

Medical certificate to check your wellness in order for you to travel to another country is a document that is necessary for your travel. This medical certificate is obtained from the designated medical institutions as the countries rule and requirement.

While traveling to certain countries, you will not be given the medical certificate as such including all the results and reports but it would mere be a acknowledgement form stating that you have undergone the medical examination necessary for traveling to foreign country.

Police clearance certificate:

Police clearance certificate is the next important document in a checklist for international trips. You must obtain a clearance certificate from the police department stating you are not part of any crime or criminal activities.

This document is requested by most countries to ensure that the person entering their country is safe for the residents of the country.

Copies of documents:

Paper copies of all these above said documents must also be carried along with you. In case they are requested you must able to submit them. Copies are a proof in case of any theft or loss.

This is usually forgotten until it is not jotted in a checklist for international travel.

Destination information

This information is to be carried for your personal safety and to get the correct idea about the destination you are traveling to.

Embassy details:

Embassy details needs to handy. During our travel to international countries. It the embassy that would help and support us during our times of emergency. Therefore, you must have the details about the nearest embassy details handy for your necessity.

If you could include this in your checklist before you travel it would be easy for you to collect them and keep them while you travel, as this is a piece of information everyone tend to forget.

Weather and geographical location:

Weather and geographic locations of the destination should be studies and made a note off. It the weather and location of the place that decides the items to be carried while traveling to international destinations.

The weather conditions in certain international countries are extreme and this needs to be aware off before traveling. And must plan accordingly. Therefore, this becomes another thing to mark in the international travel checklist.

Exchange rates and ATM fees

The exchange rates and ATM Fees must be studies and noted so protect yourself from. Getting scammed by scammers of foreign countries. There are many places where the interest charges for exchanging is way higher than the actual rates… Therefore, ensure you know the exchange rates and ATM feed of the place you are traveling to. Hence, include them in your checklist to remind yourself.

Laws and regulation:

There are travel laws and regulations that have to be followed by every travel. Each country has its own rules and regulations. Therefore, get the rules and regulations read and understood and followed throughout your journey. If you wish to look at it again get them, printed and carry along.

Thus, this too is to be incorporated in your international travel checklist.

Rooms and hotel reservation document:

If you are booking your rooms and reservation before hand make sure to carry them with the document so that the processing gets fast and your journey smoother.

Including that in the checklist will give you a peace of mind and also it acts as a proof of document during your stay in the place.

Personal essentials

This category include the personal items a person will. Require while traveling across countries

 Clothes and Accessories:

When you pack your clothes and accessories ensure to check the purpose of your travel and the destinations. Your clothing and accessories must be hosen accordingly.

If you are traveling to cold places you can always carry some quality weather gear jackets to keep yourself warm and secure.


It id necessary to carry your own toiletries while you are traveling to international countries. Do not always rely on the transport or accommodation to provide you this. You never know when the emergency hits you. You can also pack in your cosmetics to keep your skin and body good.

Medicines and vitamins:

 If you are a person taking regular medication. Ensure to mark them in your checklist for international travel checklist. You can even carry some vitamins so that the journey might not affect your physical wellbeing.

Along with medicines carry the bills and receipt’s to be presented in the airport for checking as well. Therefore, do not forget them.

Electronic devices and portable Chargers

Electronic devices these days are inseparable part of human life. This really do not necessarily be included in the checklist as we would never forget them. Yet, to be on the safer side incorporate them in the checklist for international travel to avoid mishaps.

Portable charges is an add-on. This helps us travel freely without getting tensed about the battery life of our devices such as mobile phones and tablets.

Misc. Items

In addition to the above items, we all have some miscellaneous items that we might forget easily. Therefore, list them as and when you remember and check them Again in the end. Some common miscellaneous items would be cosmetics, party wears, jewellery, foot wears and so on.

Before travel checklists

Before travel checklist is the list of things that are bound to do before you leave for your international travel.

 Inform near family and friends:

It is always necessary to inform the family or friends about the journey. This is to ensure that your family and friends are not in state of confusion about not knowing where you are. And in case of any emergency you family or friend must able to locate you.

Pet sitter or documentation to carry pets along

If u have a pet make sure before the travel you have sorted its well being. You can hire a pet sitter or any neighbours or family or friends to take care of them in your absence. By arranging a pet sitter or giving you pet to a care home until you return would ensure the safety of your pet when you are away.

In case you wish to take you pets along, then carry the document that are requested by the government to ensure the legality of pet travel. You can secure the pet travel with a comfortable pet travel bag for your dog or cat travel carriers.

Utility bills:

Make sure all the utility bills are paid to avoid consequences in the future. In the rush to get your international travel document it’s easy to forget this necessity. Therefore, make your checklist include this so as to enjoy a worry free international trip.


When you travel abroad, there are many other things that require to be given a handover to someone. Therefore, make a list of thing that you need to designate to others before you travel. This will help you have a care free travel.

Other essentials and documents

 Personal medical history:

You must carry your medical history along with other document and keep it safe with you. This is ensure that you are given the right medicines in case of any contingency. Allergies must be clearly mentions so as to avoid complications.

Travel insurance

Travel insurance is another important document you can carry along to protect yourself from mishaps during the journey. There are plethora of benefits of having a travel insurance.

copy of all the documents:

To make your travel double checked carry a softcopy and digital copy of all the documents that you are requested to carry along for your international travel. This will help you produce proof of the document in case of any theft or loss or damage.

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