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How Much To Tip House Cleaner ??

House cleaning staffs are really helpful for make our home or room clean .How much to tip house cleaner ? It is advisable to give an amount not less than $3. However, how much to tip a house cleaner is always ones own decision. It is completely up to you decide the amount you want give as a tip.House cleaners have a vital role in travel hygiene

You can take this decision based on the service they do for you. You can give something extra if you want them to clean something more than the usual. If you are unhappy with the cleaning you can also restrain from giving a tip.

Nevertheless, tip for house cleaner would always make them happy. It would be an encouragement for them to do their job better every day.

How to tip house cleaner while travel?

How much to tip house cleaner and how to tip cleaner is a frequently asked question .It is easy to say that we must give tips to house cleaners. Yet, how to give it them is always a question. The traditional way is to leave the tip in the room for the cleaning staff to take while doing their duty even though there are other non traditional ways these days.

How Much To Tip House Cleaner?

If your question is “How Much To Tip House Cleaner?”then the answer is “Of course yes,an amount less than 3 dollars” and We are expected to tip the carpet cleaner for cleaning the room and making it preferable to stay. Especially, during the peak seasons. It would be ungrateful to walk out without tipping or appreciating their hard work. It is not an easy task to clean up the entire room in between the small gap they get after a check out and before a check-in.

It is these cleaning staffs that really makes us like our stay during our travels. If the room is not satisfactory our entire trip gets affected. Therefore, since they play an important role making your journey a memorable one give them a tip. However, it would be wise to include this amount in your travel budget so that you don’t fall short of cash during the trip.

Do You Tip Carpet Cleaner?

If you are planning to stay for a longer period, it would be nice to pay a tip every day. The benefit of this could be the person cleaning your room your get their deserving reward.

It is a practice in most travel stay locations for the staffs to rotate on duties every two or three days. Therefore, if you give a reward with a tip on the last day the, it might not reach the person who cleaned for you during the stay.

In cases when the house cleaner has an extra duty to perform, such as cleaning a carpet soiled by your pet or exploded with moisturizer or coffee or tea. It would be really good to give such staffs an extra penny or two for cleaning up your mess.

In addition to cash or monetary tips that you intend to give your house cleaner you could give them some kind words. A word of gratitude would help them get some recognition in their job. To be recognised and appreciated in work is a huge thing for all of us. A small “Thank you” Note would make their day.

Isn’t it wonderful to have a feeling that because of your kind words someone is happy and doing a better job today?

Traditional method:

If you wish to give tip to a cleaning staff for the service they provided during your stay in a hotel, it is the traditional way to leave some money or cash somewhere noticeable.

The staff who would come to clean once you check out will be able to pick it up as a tip for their duty.

You can pay a minimum amount of $3 to $5. However, this amount can increase or decrease in regards to the stay you have opted. In a five star setting, you might have to give a higher amount from the minimum.

Unconventional methods:

Envelope tips:

Nowadays, to give tips to their cleaning staff’s hotels provide an additional envelop along with other bills. This will enable you to give a tip to the cleaning staff at the same time keep it private from other personnel.

Along with this or on the envelope you can also write a note of thanks, to appreciate the work enabling you to have a perfect stay.

Tip with the front officer:

Another method of giving tip for house cleaner is by, requesting the front officer or the manager in charge to give it to the house cleaning staffs for the job they have done. By doing so you are ensured that the tip reaches the right person who worked in your room.

 It is a common practice for the cleaning staffs work on rotational shifts.  Therefore, it is not necessary that you would meet the cleaner who cleaned your room during your check out time.

Room Cleaning Checklist : Best While traveling

House cleaning staffs usually have a checklist for them to follow. This enables them to clean every nook and corner of the room. Following a checklist will always ensure the job is done with efficiency. These room cleaning checklist will ensure cleaning of the room will create an impression on the travellers as well. The checklist is grouped under different areas of the room and tasks to be done in each area.In summer plans we must need some checklists.

Entrance or doorway:

Entrance or door way is the first part to be cleaned. The checklist should include a yes or no besides every single step. The important components to be incorporated in an entrance or doorway cleaning would be;

  • Door and door frame cleaning
  •  Room status notifications Cards to use by the residents.  This includes DND card, Laundry card, Make my room card etc.
  • Closet doors
  • Closet lighting
  • Room lights
  • Switchboard and sockets
  • Cloth hangers
  • Wardrobe doors and lockers
  • Luggage racks
  • Extra blanket
  • Extra pillows
  • Electronic safe
  • Tv and Tv remote
  • AC and  AC controller
  • Emergency exit
  • Floor mopping and washing
  • Kettle
  • Tea and coffee elements
  • Tissue box
  • Telephone connectivity
  • Wi-Fi connection
  • Room décor
  • Furniture and furnishing

Guest room:

Guest room is the next main that needs proper cleaning. The guest room checklist includes

  • Extra pillows
  • Blankets
  • Floor cleaning
  • Toilet cleaning
  • Restocking toiletries
  • Trash can
  • Hotel rules
  • Travel sewing kit
  •  Waste bins
  • Water and electricity connections


The most important place that requires through cleaning is bathroom. Unclean bathroom can create a cringe for the uses. Without a clean bathroom the room looses its importance. Therefore, the checklist should have these:

  • Clean knobs
  • Towels
  • Shampoo
  • Soap
  • Conditioners
  • Moisturizer
  • Shower cap
  • Washbasin cleaning
  • Counter tops
  • Buckets
  • Hand flush
  • Tissue box
  • Hair dryer
  • Mirror
  • Lights
  • Switches
  • Toilet latches working
  • Hangers stability
  • Shower check
  • Tap check
  • Water supply
  • Hot and cold water distribution
  • Sanitary disposal kits
  • Waste bins
  • Bathroom walls
  • Toilet seats
  • Bathroom floor
  • Vanity area lights and mirrors

If these checklist are properly followed by the cleaning staff it is unfair to refuse to give them a tip. If not everyday at least on the last day before you return it would be a heart warming gesture to give these house cleaning staffs a tip for their hard work. This will not only be an extra income for them but also a token of appreciation for their dedication towards the job. In will inspired them to keep going on to do better each day.

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