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Stay Clean,Stay Safe: Essential Travel Hygiene Practices for You

All of us love to travel, but we are often worried about the travel hygiene… If we travel in an unhygienic conditions we may be prey to many infection and virus attacks. Since 2019, our concerns about hygiene have moved higher in its level.

We take extra precautions to ensure our safety and the safety of those around us. In the past travel hygiene was not that big of a conversation topic. However, with the passage of time travel hygiene is one big concern for all. In addition, there are plethora of companies that provide a set of hygiene products to ensure our travel hygiene.

6 important travel hygiene must do’s

Travel hygiene is a personal responsibility. There are many things we can do to maintain our travel hygiene. Here is the list of 5 important travel hygiene must do’s. Also there are lot of products available in market for travel hygine.

Wash your hands frequently:

While traveling we are prone to touch a lot of things. Therefore, make sure you are washing your hands regularly. If possible use a mild soap or hand wash to ensure no germs are carried along.

Washing hands is the basic step of self hygiene. We carry some water along with us so that we can use it for hand washing when ever required.

Do not touch your face and mouth:

It is not good to touch your face and mouth always while traveling. If you do so you are prone to getting acnes and pimples on your face. And by biting your fingers you are giving free pass to the germs and dirt into your body for creating immune disorders.

It is easy to get a cold and infections while traveling. Therefore, practice this as a part of your travel hygiene

Wear a mask and sanitize regularly:

The present pandemic situation has forced is to use a mask while in public places. By doing so you are reducing your exposure to the deadly virus. It is now a part of our daily routine to wear a mask and sanitize regularly.

Mask prevent us from the harmful virus and germs entering our body. Thus, making ourselves safe from diseases. Especially, in circumstances where you are sharing a space with a person who is coughing or sneezing, if you have your mask on you are safe to an extend from getting these health issues.

Sanitizing on the other hand, helps in destroying the harmful germs and virus from growing and spreading. It is also necessary to sanitize your seats if you are not sure about the cleanliness of the transport you are using for travel.

It is also advised to clean the toilet seats with sanitizer before and after use. To maintain your travel hygiene.

Travel dental hygiene:

While traveling long distance, we often have limitations to take care of our dental hygiene. However, dental hygiene is quint essential for everyone. In order to maintain your dental health you can carry a mouth wash along while traveling.

Until you reach your destination to avoid getting false odour from Mouth you can use these mouth wash to maintain good breath and self confidence.

On reaching the destination you can clean with your tooth brush and floss. During the journey if anything gets stuck in between you teeth use a wooden toothpick to clean them and use no metal objects. If possible rinse your mouth regularly with water or a mouth wash.

Carry your Travel hygiene kit:

Travel hygiene kit can be carried along for your journey. Both men and women can carry this kit along with the essentials to oneself clean and safe from germs and bacteria attack causing serious health issues.

Nowadays, few companies provide pre-prepared travel hygiene kit. These travel hygiene kits contain 6 to 7 basic yet quint essential products to give us a safe travel without compromising our hygiene even during intensive travel.

Organise your travel essential:

While traveling it is necessary to organise everything according to the requirements. Proper organizing helps in maintaining hygiene. You must organise everything in proper organizers.

 Especially, while in a campervan or during long trips proper organising is essential to maintain hygiene. Keep the most important and commonly used products handy will help in keep the rest of the products safe for contamination.

Thus, reducing the need of sanitizing the entire luggage in case of any mishaps.

Important travel hygiene products:

Our cleanliness is our responsibility. No one is to be blamed if we are getting health issues due to our carelessness with our travel hygiene. We can carry a kit along with other items purely intended for our travel hygiene.

Some unavoidable travel hygiene products to be included in your journey are


In today’s world, traveling without sanitizers is to be considered foolish. We must carry a sanitizers to sanitize our self when ever we come in contact with something we are confident about.  

We should sanitize our hands before and after a handshake, as it is believed that a handshake can spread more germs than a lip to lip kiss. Therefore, for the safety of both the parties in a handshake sanitize yourself.

 Sanitizers can also be used to clean the public toilet seat you are using during the travel to protect yourself from infections.

Disposable Toilet seat covers:

Disposal toilet seat covers can be carried as a much better hygiene product. You are saved from cleaning these seats. These toilets seat covers can be disposed after use your use.

These are folded and packed in travel friendly sizes. You can unfold one and lay on the toilet seat and remove and dispose in the dustbin.

Menstrual cup and cup sanitizer with a cap:

This is a feminine product that must be carried with every women while traveling. Menstrual cups make period day travel friendly. It allows you to forget the irritation of flowing blood and changing sanitary napkins at regular intervals.

These can be worn for longer period with the fear of getting an infection or allergy. . And the cup sanitizers helps you to sanitize this cup with some hot water. All you have to do this is to put the cup in hot water for 5 minutes and wash them thoroughly and safely keep the dried cup in the pouch.

Wet wipes:

Wet wipes can be your best travel hygiene buddy. It is not always practical to get water for washing your face and hands during the travel… In such situation, you can use a wet wipe.

These wet wipes are also used for kids to keep them clean and refreshed during the travel.

Travel friendly soaps:

Nowadays, soap is no more a big block. This is available in form of paper sheets and also as little travel friendly sachets or bottles.

Therefore, you can carry a travel friendly soap to wash ourselves you won’t be forced to use the ones that are provided in public toilets.

Panty liners:

 Panty liners can be used by women as a part of their hygiene. These liner help the women to travel long distance and not be worried about any staining.

It also acts as a liner to hold the white discharge. These liners are made of breathable materials to provide a security and care feel mode for women.

Sanitary napkins and tampons:

These are few unavoidable travel hygiene products a women’s travel hygiene kit must have. If you are not comfortable using a menstrual cup. Use the traditional napkins and tampons.

These must be carried at times to save your dress from staining. Travel hygiene kit is incomplete without these.


Tissue is another travel hygiene essential. Your travel hygiene kit is incomplete without pocket friendly tissue papers you can use this to wipe and for many other purposes.

 Therefore, tissue becomes the next important travel essential in your travel hygiene kit.

As traveling is unavoidable so is travel hygiene. No matter how you are traveling always make sure to ensure your hygiene to the maximum.

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