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Wild Camping Wonder: Explore the Untamed Wilderness with Confidence

Camping in the wilderness away from the normal Camping sites is known as wild camping. Wild camping is legal in many countries whereas it is illegal in some. The countries that encourage wild camping are of the view that man should get close to nature and its being.

However, you must ensure that you are littering the area you go for camping. You must carry your litter back home. If you can ensure to your litter as well as any other litter in the area you camped it would be the best thing you can give back to the nature.We can use our pets for wild camping. Pet Bags are essential for their travel.

5 Countries that legalise wild camping

There are many countries that allow and encourage camping for its citizens. As long as the guidelines are followed properly you can go for wild camping in these countries.

The United Kingdom:

In UK, certain locations such as England and Wales it is illegal to carryout a wild camping without the landlord’s permission. However, for a person or group to go on a wild camping, they must get permission from the property owner as most property as owned by citizens. Trespassing without permission will be considered as a punishable offence. Many landlords are friendly and welcoming to wild campers, as long as they are respectful to the area they are camping.

The United States of America:

The USA is one of the greatest countries to encourage wild camping. There are thousands of camping sites scattered all across the country. Many federal parks and forests allows wild camping in the country.

However, it is advised by the authorities to check with the local authorities about the rules and guidelines of camping before you start out for one.


In Canada, wild camping is allowed in certain areas. In order to wild camp in those locations the local rules and restrictions must be considered with utmost importance.

The camping gives you some wonderful experiencing the nature at its fullest. The locations in Canada where Camping are legal are Canadian crown land, grasslands and so on.

New Zealand:

New Zealand is famous for its stunning natural beauty. The landscape of New Zealand is spellbinding. Therefore, making New Zealand the best place to plan your perfect camping.

New Zealand not only legalised wild camping, but also encourages it.

In New Zealand camping is popularly know as freedom camping. It gives the possibility to set a camp any where without much restrictions for your camping.

However, if you set the camp in the restricted zone you might end up getting a hefty fine. Hence, ensure the area is legalized wild camping.


 Wild camping is legal in most of the places in Iceland. For wild camping in Iceland, You must ensure that you are not disturbing the environment. In Iceland, the landlords usually do not restrict wild camping as long as the environment nature it’s not disturbed. Unmotorised wild camping is legal in many parts of the country.

 However, many experts do not encourage or recommend Iceland as the perfect place for wild camping.

 For wild camping in Iceland, you cannot simply start off by putting up a camp. You have to first find out if this place is restricted or not restricted for wild camping.

You are not supposed to set up your tent in any restricted areas for your camping unfortunately if you happened to be in a restricted area, you will be liable to pay the hefty fine imposed by the government.

Things to consider for wild camping

Wild camping cannot be done without planning. You need to properly study about the do’s and don’t in a wild camping. There are certain things to be considered before you set out for your wild camping.

Selection of Location:

 First and foremost thing to be considered before you set out for a wild camping, is to find out or select the right spot for your camping. Since wild camping involves risk you must select the right spot before you set out.

 The spot that you have selected must be legally authorised for wild camping. You even need to get permission from the landlords, if you are in certain countries. This will help you ensure the safety of the location you have selected in addition to escaping from paying huge fines for trespassing.

Inform a friend:

 Before you set out for a wild camping, it would be wise to inform a friend about your travel. By informing a friend you are ensuring your safety as well as reducing stress and tension of you’re near ones and dear ones.

 By informing a friend and other benefit is it would be easy for your friend to locate you in case of any emergency situations.

 Therefore, make sure you are informing about your plans of travel to someone before you start.

Lightweight luggage:

  Wild camping is not like a normal campaign. Wild camping the location that you choose to camp it’s not always as camp friendly as a normal camp. Here, you might have to face a lot of difficulties to reach the right spot for camping.

 To reach the spot you might have to walk a lot. Therefore it is always necessary to carry a lightweight luggage in order to make your camping experience a good one.  It is not practical to trek a lot or climb a mountain with a heavy luggage.

 Therefore, check the weight of your luggage before starting out. If it is too heavy remove thing or 2 before you set out.


 Wild camping requires you to carry certain things along with your luggage. These include first aid kit, waterproof camp or tent, basic camping equipment, transportable stove, utensils for cooking and so on.

 It is unwise to travel without these. You never know when you get requirement to use these. It would be nice if you could buy travel friendly products as these might not take a lot of space in your luggage as well as would be easy to carry along.

 Food and drinks:

 It is necessary to carry hydrating food and drinks while planning a wild camping. As camping involves a lot of walking, trekking and mountain Climbing it would be good if you could carry some food and drinks that will help you stay hydrated during the trip.

 You can carry foods like booster bars, nuts and so on to give you energy to keep moving on.

It is unwise to eat and drink the berries and seats that you see in the forest while you are walking to your camping destination as you might not be knowing which of the berries are edible and which of them are deadly.

Litter bag:

The important thing that you have to consider while wild camping is to ensure that you are not littering the place. Therefore it is necessary for you to carry your own litter bags so that you can carry your waste and waste materials back with you when you are leaving the space.

 Wild camping is all about you getting close to the nature therefore it is your responsibility to maintain the beauty of the nature. Littering the area will be harmful for the animals in the forest or in the wildlife in addition to the environment.

In case you want to potty, dig a hole perform your action and cover up the hole safely. You can use Degradable tissues to clean yourself which can be buried in the hole.

Clear up your tracks:

When you are packing up ensure that you clean up the tracks of your camping.

You must make sure to cover up all the holes that you have dug, In order to set your camp and for your personal uses. This is to ensure that no animals would be harmed by walking into these holes an injuring themselves.

 In addition, pick up all the waste that you have formed while camping. This might include the wrappers of the food that you have eaten and other materials. It would be nice, if you can also pick up the waste of the previous campus if there are any. In this way, you would be welcomed by the landlords the next time.

Waterproof jackets and tent:

Wild camping may not always have a predictable climatic condition. Therefore it is necessary and wise to carry a waterproof jacket and tent to protect you from rain.

This will also help you from keeping your electronic accessories and other necessities from getting drenched.

 Right spot for camping:

It is necessary to select the right spot for camping. You must not select a space that is very far from a river or water source also it shouldn’t be very close to the water.

Being very close to the water source during a rainy season put you at a risk of facing a flood, also the place would be filled with bugs which might not give you a pleasant camping experience.

 If your campaign in the mountains, you must ensure that you’re selecting a place where the rocks would not roll down or you are attacked by wild animals.

 Therefore, it is necessary to properly study the spot before you set your wild camping by giving due consideration to your safety.

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