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The Magic of Solo Travel for Women

Traveling alone brings in the a feeling of unmatched freedom and a sense of independence.These days women prefer to travel alone. A solo travel for women it gives immense pleasure  and unexplained sense of self Love. Solo travel for women help to find your self ability to perform.

The woman while traveling alone need to take care of lot of things unlike while traveling in a group. Likewise, the experience of unfettered freedom for solo traveling women can never be on explained.Most of the women’s in our society have fear to solo travel.

There are innumerable benefits for a woman while traveling alone.while solo travel we can take our Pets along for our safety and for their sense of belonging.Now a days Travel bags for pets are available to make their transportation easy 

Benefits of solo travel for women

Unfettered freedom:

While traveling without a partner, Has full freedom over the trip that she have planned.In addition, To make alterations she need not consult anyone. A woman can take her own decisions while traveling alone. She can sleep in or sleep out during the trip. She can cancel if she require and did not give reasons to anyone. And there is no need to wait for another person to move on. She is the ruler of her trip.

New friendship:

Traveling always brings in new friends. This is not just for women but for any gender.Traveling helps in making new friends. Some of these friends last a lifetime. While going to the new destination, We are forced to talk to new people to ask direction, auto understand the place. This small conversation can sometimes lead to A the beginning of a new friendship.This is another benefit of solo travel for women.

Understanding oneself:

Solo travel for women helps in understanding yourself better. Solo trips helps in identifying one’s own fear and one’s own strategy in overcoming these fears. Likewise these trips give a clarity about what we exactly want. As a result, we identify the strength within our self to get what we want.

Boost Self confidence:

Solo travel for women is one way to improve self confidence. As a consequence, traveling alone enables us to understand how capable we are. On understanding this,self confidence rises up. Once we are confident to travel alone and explode the destination that we have choose for ourselves, then anything is possible. This self realisation of our inner self confidence is understood only by a solo trip.

Gateway to travel more:

A woman who have tasted the happiness of traveling alone once, Will make sure to travel again. Taking the first step leads the way to travel more. The second trip is always going to be more planned an organised than the first trip and the frequency of trip would keep increasing after every trip. And with every trip a woman learns something new.Therefore this is probably the main reason of solo travel for women. 

Things to consider in a woman solo trip


Safety is the first thing that anyone would consider before making a solo trip. Not all places in the world are safe for solo trips. Hence, proper identification Of a safe place to travel is quintessential. Never compromise safety for anything. We are all aware of various news that happen all around us. There are many places in the world where tourists are not welcomed. Therefore it is necessary to identify the right place for the right trip.


The money that a person is willing to spend is the second thing that anyone have to consider while going on a solo trip. Unlike, group trips in solo trips all the expenses have to be met by the traveller alone.

Therefore, having proper realisation of one’s own pocket is always good. In addition, we must be conscious to select A destination based on a budget. This in turn helps in enjoying the place to the maximum with and assurance that we would not go
bankrupt.There are many travel friendly bags available in our budget that can be used to keep our belongings safe. 

Study the travel rules:

Before traveling to a new place, it is always necessary to study the travel rules that are applicable for the tourist. There are certain documents that are required by the government of certain countries from the tourists. Hence, it
is required to carry them. Studying these travel regulations always helps us in saving time which should otherwise be spent for getting or making these documents while in our tourist destination.

Keep valuables safe:

Keep all your valuables on you whole you are traveling. Help yourself with a cross bag or hidden passport bag to keep your valuables with you during your trip. Its advised not to keep any important documents or valuables in
backpack during transit. Majority of theft happen during transits.

Maintain a copy of important documents:

Always make sure to have a copy of all the documents that are necessary during the trip. In case anything is lost, you must always have a copy to move forward with the procedures.

Government advice:

Research about the destination before you depart. The government of every country have certain advices for the women travelers travel alone. Hence, always make sure to check the government websites and follow all the
regulations and advises that are put forward by the government.

Maintain contact:

While traveling alone it is always wise to maintain contact with few people who are not part of a trip. In case of an emergency or mishap, there must always be a person who has complete idea about how a trip is going on. This
in turn gives us a sense of security as well.

Find the right place:

Right place to travel alone is the most important thing to do Before starting the trip. Not all places are travel friendly especially when traveling alone. However, having a complete idea of the place wished travel is essential To
make the trip a memorable.

Carry all the necessities:

As women it is always necessary to carry our own necessities while traveling.Especially, while traveling alone. It is not always safe to rely on others during the trip. Some things to carry while traveling are first aids kit, personal
hygiene products, dresses for the trip, cash, cosmetics and so on.

Don’t skip travel insurance :

There are possibility of many mishaps during a solo trip. The risk elements involved in women solo travel is high. Therefore, always ensure a travel insurance. Travel insurance will provide a sense of security for the traveler all
throughout the trip

Five best destination for a women’s solo travel.

The present world have many places which are best suitable for women to travel alone. The
best 5 must go solo travel destination for women are as follows:


Iceland is one of the safest place for women travel alone. The charming streets of Reykjavik, chasing northern lights and driving the famous Ring Road will give a bucket list kind of trip to solo women travelers. Iceland ensure safety and gender equality for its visitors

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Dubrovnik, Croatia is one among the safest places in the world. The locals of Croatia are extremely friendly to its visitors. The government has improved the ease of travel for the tourists. The solo trip can be made worth by one look at the ocean front medieval city of Dubrovnik. It is preserved by 6365 feet of pristine walls.

It overs a spectacular birds eye view of the Adriatic coastline. Another solo activity include visiting the beach close to the Old Town. Beach provide opportunities for kayaking and snorkelling.


Finland is another best option for nature lovers. It is ranked 1 st for its safety by the World Economic Forum in their travel and tourism competitive report. Finland is famous for its northern lights and largest wooden reserve of UK. It is also known as the land of midnight lights. Therefore, this can be another destination best suitable for women while traveling alone.


Of all the countries in American continent, Canada is considered to be the best and safest for women travelers. It the land with diverse landscapes. In addition, there are centuries old forests, snow covered mountain, lakes and beautiful countryside that are worth visiting. On contrary, the cities have a special multi cultural touch to it
making it stand out from other tourist destinations.


Switzerland the world 7th most peaceful country according to Global Peace Index (GPI). It is located in the heart of Europe with a mesmerizing landscape. The country is full of cultural diversities dwelling in peace and harmony. There are numerous beautiful breath taking attractions for tourists. A solo traveler have ample opportunities to explore the country. It is another bucket list place for solo women travelers.

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