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15 Genius Hacks to Slash Your Travel Expenses in Half

Traveling is often filled with travel expenses emotions creating memories. However, the very thought of travel expenses overwhelms the entire fun. Everyone is so emerged in the ideas of finding out some excruciating hacks to slash travel expenses in half.

We all love traveling. Long and short trips are must to maintain the emotional well being of every individual. Even then, to maintain a budget can become quite tiring at times.

15 Genius Hacks to Slash Your Travel Expenses in Half

Here are 10 genius hack to slash your travel expenses in half.  Travel expenses includes a lot of factors such as food, accommodation, travel, amenities required and so on. However, these hacks will help you reduce these expenses.

Travel documents:

Ensure to carry all your travel documents such as ID proofs, visa if necessary, vaccine certificates, insurance documents, medical history and so on. These will help you protect yourselves from legal formalities and fines from the government.

These documents helps the officials support you with the needful when necessary. These in spite of reducing your travel expenses also helps in enjoying a legal and safe travel.

Control over shopping urges:

Traveling can sometimes be just about shopping. It is cruel to say not to shop while traveling. However, the urge to shop unnecessarily can be control to reduce traveling expenses. Buying a thing or two or few gifts and souvenirs should be in the expenses list, the rest needs filtering only you can make.

Travel insurance:

As unpredictable life can be, so can be traveling. Hence, it’s better to take some precautions in the form of travel insurance to reassure that unforeseen mishaps such as accidents would be covered up by insurance. This, is one way to reduce your travel expenses.

Route maps:

Another way one loses a lot of money while traveling to unknown or new places is by losing way. If you are lost or reaches the wrong destination your expenses tend to double up as you are forced to meet the challenges in that place in addition to the cost of going back to the right spot.

This can be avoided or minimalized if you have the corrects route maps of the places you are planning to visit in your travel. It also protects you from getting cheated by the rude and fraudulent people.Most of the time Google Maps Helps to easily find the routes.


The advanced technology have made life difficult without communication. Ergo, this is one big expense these days. While traveling to different places we are forced to pay for our cellular requirements.

These can be controlled if the prevailing sim is recharged with roaming facilities, that would he a lesser amount than getting a new connection in the new place or a much better idea is to go mobile free for your journey.

 If you could do that you not only reduces your travel expenses but also will find out a lot of things about yourself and about the world outside the small screen.

Travel with like minds:

The best way to reduce your travel expenses is travel with people with similar mind-set people. In doing so you can share the expenses. This will reduce your expenses in half. In addition, you can also enjoy the trip with them.

 Therefore, be wise to select the right group to travel with. A right group trip will always be a memorable one.

Carry your necessities:

The main cause for expenses while traveling is usually meeting the necessities like cosmetics, dress, and medicines and so on. And these might not be easily available in the places we travel to. And at times these basic needs of us could be really expenses in those places. Hence, it is wise to carry your own necessities.

Investigate properly about the place:

The right way to get your travel expenses in half while traveling is to get accurate and complete information about the place you are traveling to. The right information about a place will save you from scams and mishaps by doing so you can have proper control over your expenses.

Getting the right information is always necessary in that way you will be able to protect yourselves from unwanted expenses. Get to know about places that has free entry as a way to reduce cost. It is beneficial to get these information from a local.

Plan your travel:

Planning your travel and executing the trip as per the plan will help you reduce unwanted expenses. Proper planning will always keep you from unwanted expenditure. In turn it helps in cutting down unwanted spending. The most complicated part of every plan is to sticking to the plan and executing the plan.

Your plan must include every aspects of your trip. You must also have a reserve for contingency as not always everything goes as prepared. Your plan must also have some emergency or secondary plan in case something goes south.

Public transportation:

Using public transport during your trip is another way to reduce your travel expenses in half.  Public transportation is always the cheapest form of travel in all places. Hence, opting public transportation will reduce expenses likewise, you can enjoy hassle free travel.

Local transportation is always something you must experience while on a trip. These will give you lot of memories and chance to get in touch with the locals and enjoy the travel.

And walk if possible. Short distance can always be covered by walking. You can avoid taking taxis or paid vehicles to travel short distance within the destination. This not only reduces cost but also enhances your health. Furthermore, you can get in touch with the location more.

Cheaper mode of transits:

There is always few option to travel to your destination. Therefore, it is up to you to choose the most budget friendly mode to reduce your travel expenses.

 Flights and trains and cruises are few common means of transport facility you can opt for traveling to your destination. The cheapest among these must be selected to reduce travel expenditure.

Use up your credit points:

Most Travel credit cards offer credit points. These points can be used to reduce your expenses for traveling and stay. Using credit cards to meet expenses will reduce your traveling expenses in half. There are many offers that are offered by card issuers to make your travel an economic friendly one.

Talk to locals:

Gel up with the locals to save yourselves from spending unwantedly. When you are new to a place, you are highly prone to be cheated. Therefore, make friends with the locals of the location to guide you from being cheated or looted.

These locals can also show you some not so popular yet must go places at cheaper rates. This helps in reducing your travel expenses in half.

Prior booking:

If your travel! Is a pre planned one make sure you have booked your travel Tickets and hotel rooms way before your trip. On making early booking you will be able to get these in a steal price.

The earlier you take the tickets and book your rooms you will be able to get it at a cheaper price. This is the next best hack to reduce your travel expenses.


Food is the main cause of expenditure while traveling. It is common to visit food spot and experience new foods. But if you plan to keep your expenses low, your visit to food spots must be kept to minimum.

 If possible carry your food along in case of short trips or stick to basic food which might not be very expensive. This helps in reducing your travel expenses in half.

5 Factors deciding the travel expenses

There are many factor that decide the travel expenses one make.

Type of travel:

The type of journey one goes plays a vital role in deciding the expenses one might make. A business trip might not be very expensive for an individual as majority of expenses are met by the office. However, family trip or friend’s trip would require a bigger budget as there can be some unforeseen expenses to be met. On the flip side, a solo trip might not be that expensive.


It is imperative to have a fixed budget for expenses for all types of journey. The destination you are traveling is another vital factor deciding the travel expenses. Some places can cost you so little while others might require a bigger pocket.

Members of the travel:

The members accompanying you is the next big factor deciding your travel expenses? Traveling with kids and old aged people is often expensive as their needs cannot be compromised. Compromising their requirements can be life threating at times. For example, traveling with kids to high altitude without necessary safe precautions can not be a happy trip at the end of the day.

Mode of transportation:

Transportation is the main contributor of travel expenses. Therefore, choosing the right mode of transportation to your travel destination is quint essential. This must be opted with keen eyes on the cost and budget.


Ones own budget and financial status is another yet important factor to consider for maintaining travel expenses. The travel expenses should never go beyond your budget or financial power.

Travel to make memories. But these should not make you bankrupt. There is always a life after every trip. Follows these hacks to reduce your travel expenses and save for the next travel. Therefore, spend wisely to enjoy many more travels. 

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