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Pawsome Adventures: Meet the Best 5 Travel Cat Companion for Your Journeys

We all love traveling with our pets. Cats and dogs are the most common among them. Travel cats is a rising trend among people these days. Have you ever wondered how to travel with a cat? We don’t always need a companion while traveling. But with companionship the pulse of the travel taken another turn. It’s so different and special traveling cross countries with cats. Cats love to travel just like human do.

Cats just like dogs are human’s best friend. They are adored by a lot of people all around the world. It is said that cats can understand human better than dogs. Cats can be easily carried with us during the trip. In addition, cats never scare people like dogs do. Cats are friendlier and also like to be pampered and cared for.

Excessive pampering and caring can ruin your cat. Do not make you cat a lazy one. To keep cats active we need to be active by traveling doing things we enjoy the most. If you do not have a reliable friend pick up your cat and start roaming the world. Traveling with cats may seem a little tiresome but the reality is vice versa. You just need to pick the right carrier for you cat so than cats can travel with you on your vacation. And will never need to live you cat back at home.

How to travel with a cat?

Traveling with cats can be made easy and safe if few small yet important things are considered before and during the travel. Travel cat can get homesick. Hence, ensure to be prepared.

Carry documents:

First thing to consider while traveling with your cat is to ensure you have every document that is required to ensure the safety of the travel cat. Important documents will include vaccine certificates, travel permit for pets, insurance and so on. Travel permits is one thing we must take care. There can be checking by authorities to check the legality of traveling with a pet. There are many people around us who like pets but are allergic to various reasons. Therefore, documents to carry your pet along is to be carried along.

Opt for right carry bag for your pet:

These days there are plethora of carry bag options for the safety and security of your cats. The size of the cat must be taken into consideration for selecting the right bag. A cat travel backpack with an opening for head would be the right choice for a small sized cat. In case of a bigger sized cat you can opt for a plastic carry box while traveling with a cat.

Harness your cat while driving:

Long distance traveling with a cat is not for the travel cat. There travel cat harness is essential. Ensure to harness your cat traveller case tightly on to your vehicle to avoid your cat for rolling around and hurting itself. Once the safety of the travel cat is assured traveling long distance with your cat would make some good time.

Travel sedation for cats:

If your pet cat is not a travel cat. And if cat travel in a back pack makes the cat sick. The next option would be to give travel sedation for cats. The sedatives for travel cat will be prescribed by vet doctor. Therefore, if you are planning traveling with a cat who is not travel friendly, make sure get some travel sedation for cats. Even in case of flight travels, where the cats must be sent along with other pets in a different place without your supervision u can use a travel sedation to stop worrying about your cat.

Cat litter box for travel:

Cat litter box is a must no matter what the distance of our travel is. Long and short travel with a cat, the owner of the cat must make sure to carry cat litter box. This helps the owner to collect the litter without making a mess. The litter can be disposed in the correct disposal place. Having a cat litter box will make sure of the cleanliness of the cat while traveling.

How to travel long distance with a cat?

Traveling long distance with cat is sometime not an easy task. Firstly, understanding if your cat loves traveling like you is the first step. Start by traveling to very short distances and gradually move on.

It’s important to understand what the means of transportation that is best suited for travel cats.

Car travel for cats

Car travel for cats is the most affordable and comfortable one for us and the cat. Travel cats can stay comfortable in a car seat. If your cat is tamed to stay put in the car you can accompany the cat just like friend. To ensure safety, nowadays car seats for pets are also available. These seats and seat covers ensure that your pets are comfortable in car while traveling.

On the contrary, if your travel cats cannot stay in one place and is forced to move around in the car while you drive. It can cause lot of difficulty traveling long distance with cats. In such cases you can a closed ventilated cabin boxes for your car travel with cats. Here, make sure to have a travel car harness to stop the cat from rolling over and getting hurt.

These are the methods to be followed while traveling with a cat in your car.

Plane travel for cats:

Traveling cross country with cats require taking a plane. This one of the safest mode of travel for cats. But the only drawback is they cannot travel together with its master. Every flight has some rule regarding letting the passenger carry a pet along. Mostly flights ask the passenger to secure the cat to its carrier with a travel car harness. So that they stay put inside their carriers even if the carrier opens up during the transit.

It is also advised to give the prescribed amount of travel sedation for cats on travel long distance with a cat. As all the pets of the travellers are kept together. There might be chances that they do not like each other and also would be frightened as cats are not meant to fly. They might not have fear of heights but the tremors and jerks in an airplane can make them sky-sick. To avoid travel sickness it always to sedate them with some travel sedation for cats.

Train travel for cats:

Train one of the pet friendly means of transportation. Most of the trains around the world allows you to carry you cat in your hand or even in a cat travel backpack. However, some for additional safety uses different types of closed travel carriers for cats.

Carrying a cat in train for a traveling long distance, the owner must never forget a cat litter box for travel. The cats prefer not to be public for the private needs. As they are one among the cleanest animals on the planet. Therefore, cleaning their little in case of any emergency would be great for other passengers to travel along without feeling cringe.

You can even opt for a plastic travel carrier without any mesh for cats for long trips. So that it can be cleaned easily.

These are some best ways to travel with cat cross country or for long distance and also short distance. Traveling with cats harness or a cat travel backpack or by giving some travel sedation for cats are the best ways to make cats, travel cat.

5 Best breed of travel cat

Cats super travel friendly. Low maintenance travel cats are plenty around us. In fact cats enjoy traveling more than human at times.

Mixed cats:

These are also known as rescue or shelter cats. These cats are the best for traveling. Mixed breed cats easily adapt to the changes that is common during traveling. Since these cats are adopted by shelters they would be loyal to its master at the same time a bit experienced from their life before adoption.

Bengal cats:

Bengal cat breed is one the most friendly cats currently available. Due to their friendly and appealing personality and the great sense of explorations makes them the best travel cat.

American Bobtail cats:

American bobtail cat breeds is a perfect companion for traveling long distance with cats. They can be easily trained and is also highly adaptable to any climatic conditions. They can even be attached to a cat harness allowing the traveling to accompany the cat for travels like hiking and so on.

Maine coon cats:

Maine coon cats they are the most common breed that is selected as a pet. Its playful character and exploration sense makes this one among the best cat to travel with. It can be easily harnessed to the lease or even carried in a cat travel backpack.

Tiffany cats:

Tiffany cats are one among the most comfortable cat to travel with. This can be simple carried on your lap in case of a long distance travel with cats or even to travel cross country with cats. They are popular for staying still for a long period. Making it the best in case of a public transportation. Its enthusiastic character along with its obedience are few other positives of choosing tiffany as a travelcat.

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