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Rev Up Your Mornings with These 9 Awesome Road Trip Breakfast Ideas

Road trip breakfast ideas are so many these days. We always need to take care our health while traveling. Breakfast being the most important meal of the day. Traveler must try their level best to have a healthy meal for breakfast. There are many easy road trip breakfast ideas.Some peoples use camper van for trips they can easily cook the food in camper van kitchen

Breakfast on road is always a fun filled idea. Moreover, there are plethora of options to choose from for road trip food.

Mouth-watering road trip breakfast ideas

We all live to eat tasty foods. Nowadays, the options available for us are plenty. So why don’t you make use of it. Here are some exquisite mouth smacking easy road trip breakfast ideas.


Fruits is the easiest breakfast option that can be available everywhere. Moreover, this is a breakfast idea that can be considered even by a lazy person who is not ready to cook or carry breakfast or even ready to stop by a store to order a take away.

Fruits can be easily eaten and also they are healthy. They are a complete meal. On eating fruits one need not worry about cholesterol, blood pressure and other life style diseases. Fruits do not cause any life style diseases.

However eating only fruits may not be a good idea. And there are chances that some fruits might not be suitable for all due to some health conditions… They might be allergic to it. In such cases fruits is not an option.


If you have difficulty eating fruit as a whole. You can always try making a smoothie. This is an easy breakfast idea for people who do not have a lot of time in the morning to be spent in the kitchen.

You can mix up fruits of your liking to make the smoothie. It is even better when made with frozen fruits. If you do not have frozen fruits you can make a smoothie and freeze it over night. Thus making it easy to eat in the morning along with the rush and haste to go to office or school.

Kids too will like this breakfast ideas as they can have it while riding to schools.

Chia pudding:

Chia pudding is a healthy breakfast option for people who are extremely health conscious. Chia seeds has lot of health benefits. Making a chia pudding is very easy and can be made even while riding.

All you have to do is mix chia seeds with milk of your liking and add some toppings of you liking. Toppings can be berries or fruits or dry nuts. And leave it in the fridge over night. Next morning your chia pudding is ready to eat.

This can be easily made as breakfast in your campervan kitchen. As this is an easy cooking it can be considered as one of the best road trip breakfast ideas.


Omelette is another easy road trip breakfast idea. You can cook an omelette by the side of the road if you have a stove, pan and an egg. It would barely take ten minutes to cook an omelette.

Egg is a staple food. It is high in protein and many other health benefitting components.

If you have the luxury of a more established kitchen such as a camper van kitchen you can add some veggies such as tomato, spring onion, chilly along with some cheese and corn and make a healthier omelette. This too is an easy road trip breakfast idea that can be tried by any person.


Waffle making is no more a task. In the current world, waffle mix is readily available. All we are expected to do is to mix the floor with some water and fry them in waffle maker.

Waffle makers are available in most online shopping spots. A long road trip traveller can carry a waffle maker so that he can make his own breakfast even during the trip. He need not spend a lot of time waiting the long queue to buy something from a take away.

Waffles tastes really good with some Nutella or maple syrup or even honey. It can be topped with any topping of your taste. Even a scoop of ice-creams would make breakfast heavenly. Is can become the best road trip food.


If you a fan of breads croissant can become your best friend. This is a famous yet heavy breakfast in many European countries. The chocolate filled croissants are the best choice for sweet teeth.

This breakfast ideas for road trip could be equally enjoyed by adults and kids alike. The making of croissants are also easy… If your road trip has the provision of a bake oven and kitchen you can make croissants for your and your family during your trip to make the breakfast a good meal.

Bacon and cheese sandwich:

Sandwiches are the next option for road trip breakfast. Making a cheese sandwich or bacon sandwich is an easy process and also a very healthy option. Cheese and bacon gives us the energy to stay fit during the drive. In addition, they are two mouth water sandwich preferred by anyone anytime.

A cheese grill sandwich will make you forget the stress and tiredness of driving with its cheese melting aroma and the cheese pull is so satisfying to watch. With every bite into a cheese grill you will be filled with happiness.

This indeed will make long road trip breakfast a good awaiting one.


Oatmeal is yet another simple road trip food. It can be easily cooked with limited resources that are available in a road trip. Oatmeal to make it more attractive you can add some toppings of your desire such as fruits or nuts.

Nowadays, ready to cook oats are also available making it more travel friendly. To cook an oats meal we barely will take 10 minutes. Thus making this another best idea for a road trip breakfast.

The health benefit of oatmeal is also uncompromising. It help traveler stay in perfect health all throughout the travel. Oats can be considered a complete meal.


Wraps are one among the best healthy and heavy breakfast idea for a road trip. Tortilla are easily available which can be used to make a perfect wrap. You can make your filling with anything you enjoy eating in the morning.

Some best wrap ideas include a seasoned mixture of some shredded boiled chicken, avocado, tomatoes, onions, green chilly tossed with son salt and herbs. The aroma of the filling itself is mouth watering. You can also side a boiled egg with some pepper to make it more pleasing to eat.

These could be another road trip breakfast ideas that can be easily make without any heavy cooking. In addition to the less timing it takes for cooking, it is a very healthy idea for a road trip breakfast. A single wrap would give you the energy you will require to drive some long distance. This can not only be a breakfast idea for road trip but also it can be used as a lunch or supper idea as well.

These are the best mouth watering yet easy Road trip breakfast ideas. You can try these for your coming road trip. These road trip breakfast ideas will astonish you with the taste it will offer during your long and tiring road trips.

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