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Is Skydive safe? Your Top 8 FAQs About Skydive

Skydive is an activity of free fall from an altitude usually from an aircraft or a mountain to fly for some time and the gradually float in the air and then safely land on the ground in a parachute. The fly time is about 30 seconds to 180 seconds before pulling out the parachute to float.

Skydive can be freely be done by healthy people. But if you have some underlying conditions such as a heart condition, breathing difficulties or any other health troubles it is always recommended to consult a doctor and get an approval before considering to attempt sky diving.

These days, skydive a sport that many wish to try. It required proper practice before attempting. Many countries have included skydiving an s major tourist activity to attract tourists to their destination. Sky diving is not a cheap activity. The cost of sky diving vary according to the countries facilities.

Sky diving is an adventurous activity and it is usually preferred by adventure enthusiasts. Movies and web series including the scenes of their favorite starts performing sky diving drive the urge to try this even more.

What is the Best time to experience skydive?

Skydive is a weather dependent sport. Therefore, the teams organizing skydiving can cancel the activity due to unfavorable climatic conditions. To perform skydive the right time is a sunny day. In other words, when the sky is clear of snow or rain skydive can be organized by the organization. Rainy days are not a safe time to do this. Heavy rain with thunder and lightning is extremely risky can even be fatal if not landed in a safe place.

As skydive is usually is done by traveling on an airplane to the desired altitude, from where the participants are asked to jump into open sky and enjoy flying and floating in the air before opening the parachute to land. Therefore, for the aircrafts to take off a clear sky and favorable climate is quint essential.

Another reason to look at for a clear sky is to ensure the skydivers can see one another and can provide a helping hand or even guide what to do next in case of a panic attack or mishaps.

How Old Do You Have to Be to Skydive?

There is an age restriction put forward by the authorities to all sky diving passengers. The minimum age requested by United States Parachute Association member drop zones is 18 years as per Georgian calendar on the day of skydiving.

Kids below 18 years of age is strictly prohibited from trying sky diving at all costs. However, in some zones with parental consent kids of 16 years are allowed to sky dive if the satisfy the minimum weight required is fulfilled.

Even though, there is no upper limit for age to try skydiving, people above the age of 70 years as per Georgian calendar is requested to submit a fitness certificated from a concerned doctor before they are allowed to skydive.

Is There a Weight Limit for Skydiving?

Yes, there is a weight limit for skydiving. The weight limit is also applicable to skydive.

There is no minimum weight requirement to skydiving. However, there is a maximum limit. The maximum limit as per the set standards is 230 lbs. in some cases, the maximum limit of weight accepted would be 240 lbs.

However, the aircraft weight and balance are important. Therefore, there may be weight restrictions by the aircraft that might affect each skydiver on the plane.

The weight of the skydiver is calculated by including the weight of the equipment and the instructor.

The person using the equipment must be able to manage it. The parachute is quite heavy to withstand the air pressure at that altitude.

Human weight is the second thing to consider. The human weight means the weight of the student along with the instructor.

How Much Does Skydiving Cost?

Skydiving prices vary from place to place.  The average skydives charges approximately $200 from the skydivers. However, this price tends to go up with seasonal changes. As skydiving is a climate dependent activity the price tends to go high during this favorable climatic conditions.

Another factor that determines the price of skydiving is the altitude of the fall. The average height for skydiving is 12,000 feet. However, some locations offer higher altitude skydiving. In such cases the rates also rise above the approximated average price of $200.

In addition, extra facilities like live video recording, skydiving with a guide and so on also plays a role in increased price rates of skydiving.

Is Skydiving Safe?

Skydiving is an extreme sport. Therefore, like any extreme sport even skydiving inherent risk. Skydiving is safe if it is done with proper manner. Skydiving is to be done only under a certified and experienced instructor. The United States Parachute Association (UPSA) is the authorizing body that provides the certificate to assure the safety and security of the students performing it

Another factor to determine the safety is the weather. Sky diving can be done during cloudy day. However, it is necessary to avoid flying into a cloud as it might restrict the visibility.

The next factor to consider is the equipment used. The efficiency of the equipment must be checked before the students and instructor fly with in. high quality, certified equipment is to be used.

Well maintained aircraft is another element that ensures safety. We need the aircraft to safely take off and fly to the desired altitude to ensure that the jump can be made at the right spot and time.

The last and important factor to consider is the training to be given to the students. Pre diving training must be given with utmost importance. The position for proper landing, right time to open the parachute, free fall positions, right time to exit the aircraft, the method to exit the aircraft are to be given proper training before the actual fall. If these are considered, then the safety of skydiving can be assured.if you like adventure you can include skydive in senior trips

What to wear for skydiving?

Skydiving is a sport. Therefore, wear something functional. Keep in mind to keep it simple and comfortable. Ensure to dress yourself with something that fits you well. As skydiving is a sport you can wear any sports dress. Such a track pant and fitting t- shirt, yoga wear, legging, shorts or even an active wear.

The dress worn must be functional. Skydiving requires us to move a little flexibly. Therefore the selected dress must be as such.

If you are planning to skydive in a sunny place the dress can be minimal as the increase in altitude will increases the temperature as well. Therefore, a thin layer of dress would do a perfect job.  However, in cold places it is necessary to wear many layers of clothing to create an insulation effect to protect oneself from the harsh temperature.

Accessories such as hair clips, lose earrings, chains etc., are a big no  no while skydiving. There are chances that these may fall loose during the fall and can be dangerous if it hits anyone or the equipments. Sharp edges of the clip and earning can cause damages to an extreme level.

Shoes must be worn for sky diving. Therefore, always wear a comfortable sporty sneakers. Avoid heels, flats, flip flops, loose shoes and so on. These are not suitable for the landing as well as for the jump. Hence, choose a good quality sports sneakers for skydive.

In case, if u have any doubts regarding what to wear. It is always advised to as the skydive instructor to get the right dress. Nowadays, most of the centres where skydive takes places offers skydive jumping suits which can be worn by the students during the skydive and must be returned after the use.

How many jumps to skydive solo?

Solo skydiving is an out of the box question for first timers. you need to fall at least 25 times before you can do it alone. There must be at least 5 falls with one or more people. You should also consider tandem skydive before you could solo dive.

once you have built this confidence you can apply for a licence by meeting all the requirements and taking adequate classes from responsible university and fall solo.

What is Tandem skydiving?

Tandem skydiving is a form of sky diving in which two people are strapped together to make the fall together from the beginning to the end. This is the most common type of skydiving that is practiced by most of the places where skydiving is encouraged.

Tandem skydiving is considered to be one of the safest form of skydiving as there are two people together, this helps in reducing the panic attack or any mishaps that a newbie may experience during the first fall.

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